KUE Picnic

This afternoon, the girls and I enjoyed a leisurely picnic up in the Stocksdales’ backyard. Our original plan for today was to go off-campus to a retreat center, but they had a “lock-in” last night, so were up all night and exhausted. So, while they slept in until 11am, I prepared some picnic food and munchies and then we enjoyed a couple of hours together…

Our menu consisted of ham and cheese rolls, carrot sticks and ranch dip, corn-black bean-potato salad, potato chips, fresh plums and passion fruit, various sodas and water, and cookies for dessert.

Since they get plenty of “structure” throughout the week, we didn’t have any official conversation, except for one, simple question: “What do you want to be, and why?”

It was fun to hear the girls share their future dreams – among our group, we had quite a few who want to go into the medical field…also, missionaries, missionary teachers, make-up artists (and regular artists), musicians, writers, and “whatever God wants me to do.” They are such a creative and talented bunch. I have NO doubt that they will each do unique and great things someday.

When the girls asked me what I want to do when I get home, it was interesting to try and come up with an answer. There are all sorts of ideas channeling through my brain these days, but nothing is set in stone yet. Start my own business, PR and Comm relations for a Christian non-profit working with African countries and CAN countries (Creative Access Nations), massage therapy school?, some book writing, a masters program…who knows? I am just trying to focus on the present, and then start thinking ahead later this spring to what God would have for me upon my return to the States.

We also had quite a fun time with the trampoline afterwards…except that they tried to “pop” me and as I was in the “popcorn ball,” literally did a back-flip, bit my tongue really hard, then cracked my neck a bit, and earlier, twirked my ankle. Ouch! Honestly, I’m not THAT old, right? 🙂 Anyways, it’s always fun to hear the girls giggling and de-stressing from their typical pressure of homework and tests throughout the school week…

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